Phantom Tranzit - #MobileClubExperience.
Bus 2- Charter Limo Bus
Capacity: 35 Passenger

Check Availability
Filter the dates by selecting the bus and shift type.

Select a date from the calender to book the bus.

The dates that are available are shown in green color and the dates that are not available are shown in red color.

Before entering a quote, see rental reqirements for each bus under Fleet tab.

Over lapping shifts will require minimum hours of both shifts excluding charter events.

We are currently not booking after March of 2025.

High demand dates may be qued and anwsered 2 weeks prior to the date if it is still available. High demand dates (Halloween, Black Out Wednesday and New Years ect.) are not available for minimum hours. We also have the right to refuse to issue a quote without reason.

Minimum hour requests will not be fulfilled more than 60 days in advance.

Individuals who appear to be severely intoxicated or disorderly will be denied transport.

Availablity Info

If your date is unavailable, we recomend trying a Friday night or Saturday during the day. Saturdays typically fill up 3 months in advance during the summer. Do not be discuraged from submiting a quote if the day is full. Charter events, check both shifts for availablity.

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